Artist in Residence
Moving Around Filling SpaceTime
Moving Around Filling SpaceTime
Educational Artist in Residence at Dia:Beacon, teaching 2nd Grade Students through movement-based works related to the collection. The program re-contextualized everyday objects applying theoretical content to mass production. Highlighting the serial and material, the everyday and the objective related to Donald Judd and Dan Flavin. Andy Warhol's reproduction degradates its subject in repetition, everything says itself, we examined how things decay through the process of copying. Dances, sequences and movements were created with principles relating to John Cage's chance operations. Space was transformed into place through sound, these locations were based on the artist Max Neuhaus.
Educational Artist in Residence at Dia:Beacon, teaching 2nd Grade Students through movement-based works related to the collection. The program re-contextualized everyday objects applying theoretical content to mass production. Highlighting the serial and material, the everyday and the objective related to Donald Judd and Dan Flavin. Andy Warhol's reproduction degradates its subject in repetition, everything says itself, we examined how things decay through the process of copying. Dances, sequences and movements were created with principles relating to John Cage's chance operations. Space was transformed into place through sound, these locations were based on the artist Max Neuhaus.
Numbers, A Dance of Random Sequences
Tracing actions with lines